Selected Cheese

Selected Cheese

From iOlé Gourmet we want to present you the best selection of Spanish Cheeses, where you will find the finest products that makes you enjoy your consumption.

The fine Cheeses of Spain express unmistakably the characteristics of their origins… the milks, the grazing lands, the climate, the method of production… even the microbiology of the region. Their unique qualities are protected by each Denomination of Origin, symbols of which certifies the authenticity of each variety. The yellowish Manchego, sharp rich Ibérico, smokey Idiazábal, savory of the Tortas.

You will note it immediately…The strong aromas, the intensely fulfilling textures and vibrant flavors of a centuries-long homemade cheese tradition. A real treat for the palate.

Products format table. Detailed information available on product pages.

Montescusa Manchego Semicured Cheese

Montescusa Manchego Semicured Cheese

It is a cheese made from pasteurized milk from Manchega’s sheeps, matured for about 3 months. Its taste is pleasantly aggressive, and its texture is consistent. The paste is firm and with a large granularity, high cohesion. As a mark of tasting highlights the intensity of its aroma and Bouque which is reached very early. Awards Gold Cincho Awards 2004 Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Toledo Milk: Pasteusized Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Medium Weight: 1,2 Kg – 2,4 Kg – 3,5 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Montescusa Manchego Cured Cheese

Montescusa Manchego Cured Cheese

It is a cheese made from pasteurized milk from Manchega’s sheeps, matured between 8 and 10 months. It has a regular halo, ivory paste with few eyes unequally distributed. Deep odor due to its long healing, pleasantly aggressive flavor. Consistent texture and pastosity. Long persistence and good memory once consumed. Awards Gold Medal in the 2010 World Cheese Awards Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Toledo Milk: Pasteurized Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 2,4 Kg – 3,4 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Cheese La Serena (Creamy)

Cheese La Serena (Creamy)

It is a fatty cheese made with 100% raw sheep’s milk, coagulated with Vegetal Rennet by maceration of flower pistils from wild thistle (Cynara Cardunculus). Dry salted with iodized common salt by surface dusted. Its paste is very soft, almost fluid, in which case it is very soft, sticky and melt, exhibing a thin and very sensitive to manipulation cortex. With an intense, persistent and very complex flavor, but always emphasizing an elegant point of bitter finishing on the palate. Its characteristic odor does not identify its flavor, being very strong and intense, especially in the more liquefied cheese. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Badajoz Milk: Raw Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 650 grams – 1,25 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Idiazábal Cheese

Idiazábal Cheese

With excellent raw material obtained from the milk of Latxa sheep this cheese is made with Designation of Origin Idiazabal, a name taken from a small town in Gipuzkoa located on the slopes of the sacred mountain of Aralar, in the center of the Basque Country in an area with a pastoral tradition that goes back to more than four thousand years ago. It is a cheese made exclusively with milk from Latxa sheep from own shepherd’s development, rennet, lactic ferments and salt, with a minimum maturity of sixty days. The rind is hard, with pale yellow colour, and it is dark brown if it is smoked. Its pasta is compact, of variable colour, from white to yellowish ivory, it may present small and unevenly distributed eyes in small numbers. In addition to the features listed in the previous section, in order to obtain the qualification “Designation of Origin Idiazabal” the cheese should present typical organoleptic qualities in colour, aroma and flavor. Awards Gold Medal in the World Cheese Awards 2010. Kasiade Tirol Cheese Awards Mountain Cheese Olympics Award 2009 Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Vasque Country Milk: Raw Latxa Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong (Idiazábal), Strong/Smoked (Idiazábal Smoked) Weight: 1 Kg Fat (min): 45...

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Conde Duque Cured Iberian cheese

Conde Duque Cured Iberian cheese

It is a cheese of pressed paste mixed with raw sheep’s milk, goat milk and cow milk cured for minimum 3 months. The paste is of ivory color, with a firm texture but intense and creamy. The depth and complexity of flavour depend on the age, but with a rich taste that reminds of nuts and caramel over a slightly salty final taste. Its flavour is intense and balanced with dairy tastes, intense smell and firm, nice, creamy texture on the palate. The characteristic rind between beige and yellow colour is coated with mold so that washing and brushing of cheese is a necessary process. Awards Gold Cincho Awards 2010 Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: León Milk: Pasteurized cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 3,1 Kg Fat (min): 55...

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1605 Manchego Cured Cheese

1605 Manchego Cured Cheese

It is an artisan Manchego cheese made with raw milk from manchega’s sheeps pure breed, cured between 6 and 8 months. Its scent is clean, elegant and fruity, characteristic of evolved sheep milk. Notes of leather and hints of nuts. Its flavour is soft at the beginning, where a very elegant and well joined acidity appears, with the typical aromas from animals (clean wool) and memories of soft caramel flavor. The aftertaste leaves a pleasant nutty flavor and a subtle delicate spicy that is accentuated with time. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Ciudad Real Milk: Raw Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 1 Kg – 3 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Sheep Cheese With Fine Herbs

Sheep Cheese With Fine Herbs

It is an artisan cheese made from raw sheep’s milk, rennet, salt, and lactic ferments. At the end of the process is coated with butter and fine herbs, then matured for at least 4 months. It has a characteristic smell of fine herbs with developed and intense taste. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Cáceres Milk: Raw Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 750 grams Fat (min): 50...

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Conde Duque Semicured Iberian Cheese

Conde Duque Semicured Iberian Cheese

Pressed paste cheese mixed by pasteurized sheep milk, goat milk and cow milk cured for minimum 3 months. Its colour is light beige, the texture is smooth, creamy and slightly elastic. The interior is dotted with small irregular holes. The mixture of milk brings the sweetness of cow milk, the nutty flavour of the sheep milk and the herbal notes of the goat milk. The flavour is balanced with lactic taste, soft smell and firm texture, pleasant and creamy on the palate. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: León Milk: Pasteurized cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Medium Weight: 3,2 Kg Fat (min): 55...

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La Serena Cured Cheese

La Serena Cured Cheese

It is a fatty cheese made with 100% raw Merina sheep’s milk, coagulated with Vegetal rennet by maceration of flower pistils from wild thistle (Cynara Cardunculus). Dry salted with iodized common salt powdered on surface. The texture is semi-hard, with elasticity and slight buttery, cuttable, with a firm rind. The outside has a light golden color, highlighting an oily sweat. The flavour is intense and persistent, very complex, but always highlighting a typical bitterness because of using vegetal coagulants, and slightly spicy due to its long curing. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Badajoz Milk: Raw Merina Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 750 grams – 1,1 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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1605 Manchego Semicured Cheese

1605 Manchego Semicured Cheese

It is a cheese made from raw milk from Manchega’s sheep from the farm itself, cured for a minimum of 3 months. Natural crust cellar, dark and sometimes dotted with patches of natural mold. When cut it has ivory color and a very pronounced fence. The paste is firm and compact with some eyes. The palate has a semi-hard texture, good buttery and solubility and medium friability. The taste, at first, has a mild acidic intermixed with sweet grain. Animal aromas very well integrated with a pleasant aftertaste of raw nuts (almonds) with high persistence in the mouth. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Ciudad Real Milk: Raw Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Medium Weight: 1 Kg – 3 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Torta del Casar

Torta del Casar

Torta del Casar is a natural cheese elaborated by traditional methods, based on raw sheep milk, produced from controlled ranching, contains vegetal rennet and salt, and boasts a ripeness of 60 days. Made of light and thin bark, semilasts, its principal characteristic is its highly creamy texture. The interior cream sometimes manages to spill across the cracks of the bark. Torta del Casar has a unique smell and an intense developed taste that is slightly salty and slightly bitter, which is given by the vegetal rennet. To enjoy the Torta del Casar cheese completely, it should be tempered two hours before its degustation. There are many ways of tasting this special cheese , where prestige and tradition join to offer new sensations to the most demanding palate. Awards Gold Cincho Awards 2012 Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Cáceres Milk: Raw Sheep Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 580 grams – 1 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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Gran Reserva Señorio de Montelarreina Cheese

Gran Reserva Señorio de Montelarreina Cheese

It is a cheese made from pasteurized sheep’s milk cured for at least 10 months, highlighting its unmistakable full and intense taste, which provides the milk of Churra and Merina breed sheep fed by grazing on moorland and pastures. The rind is hard, pale yellow colour with brown coating, and well defined. The paste is firm and compact, ivory-yellow, with a few small eyes scattered around the cut. There may be some small grains due to ripening. Characteristic aromas and flavours of a long ripened cheese, well-developed, complex and intense, with caramel and nuts notes persistent on the palate, sometimes slightly spicy. Awards World Championship Cheese Contest Mountain Cheese Olympics Award 2009 Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Zamora Milk: Pasteurized cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Strong Weight: 3 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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El Iberico Cheese

El Iberico Cheese

It is a ripened cheese, a mixture of pasteurized milk of goat, sheep and cow. Yellowish white, without rind. The paste is semi-hard, tender, compact, white, slightly yellowish. It has soft aroma and fresh dairy flavour, with undertones of nuts, with slight cow milk taste, balanced with flavours of sheep milk. Format Product format characteristics: Place of Origin: Zamora Milk: Pasteusized cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s Shape: Cylindrical Flavour: Medium Weight: 3 Kg Fat (min): 50...

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